"In God’s estimate, to seek your own glory is to seek against his. He is not amused by our running out into the cosmos snapping selfies, yelling, “Look at me!” while the whole earth is full of his glory. This is God’s world, and our lives are lived before him as either the humble who delight in his name or the haughty who delight in our name."
~ JR Vassar
Glory Hunger (Crossway, 2015)
Trust in the LORD! (Psalm 115:9-11)
9 O Israel, trust in the LORD! He is their help and their shield. 10 O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD! He is their help and their...
"When we fail to quote Scripture in public and private discussions about hundreds of questions, we leave our most powerful weapon at ...
"We must learn to address the issue of homosexuality and other difficult sexual issues with candor, directness, and unembarrassed ho...
~ Wayne Grudem "Truthfulness and lying are often highly significant indicators of a person’s inward moral character. In fact, tru...