The new age has dawned in Christ but it is not yet consummated. As Christians we live between the times. We are rescued from the present evil age through Christ’s death, and yet we must be warned not to revert back to the old era. We are delivered from sin but are not sinless. We are perfect in Christ but not yet perfected. Hence, we must remain vigilant so that we do not become captive to a false gospel that actually panders to our selfishness and pride, even after we have become Christians.
~ Thomas Schreiner
Galatians (ZECNT), p.80
Trust in the LORD! (Psalm 115:9-11)
9 O Israel, trust in the LORD! He is their help and their shield. 10 O house of Aaron, trust in the LORD! He is their help and their...
"When we fail to quote Scripture in public and private discussions about hundreds of questions, we leave our most powerful weapon at ...
Implicit in Christian monotheism was a critique of pagan polytheism. According to the Christians, the Greek and Roman gods were human inve...
~ Wayne Grudem "Truthfulness and lying are often highly significant indicators of a person’s inward moral character. In fact, tru...